What Is The AccuFIT Machine & Why Do You Need It?

The AccuFIT is an innovative respirator mask fit testing machine that provides you with the reassurance that your respirator mask fits and so is capable of protecting you from all types of respirable hazards. It objectively measures how well the mask fits the user's face to provide safety and peace of mind to both the wearer and the employer.
How Does It Work?
The AccuFIT is a very easy-to-use particle-counting device, which detects and counts naturally occurring ambient particles in the size range of 100 to 0.015µm. It measures and reports particle density in the form of the number of particles detected per cubic centimetre of air sampled.
The device has two inputs and through these, takes a sample of “ambient” air from outside the facemask and then a second “mask” air sample from inside the facemask whilst being worn. The device compares these two samples and calculates the ratio between them. This, in effect, reports the fit factor, a numerical measurement of leakage, to determine if the respirator is working as it should or not.
If the respirator is a “perfect” fit the mask sample would report 0 particles, so the reported fit factor would be a very large number. If the respirator is a very poor fit, the mask sample would be similar or exact to the ambient sample, therefore reporting a very low number.
Why The AccuFIT Is Important
To provide protection for people who are exposed to respiratory hazards, it is essential to ensure that the respirator mask and other PPE fit correctly and make sure there is not too much leakage. If the mask does not fit the wearer, they may be exposed to potentially toxic, life-threatening particles, and/or gases.
AccuFIT uses reliable and objective data measurements to establish the effectiveness of the facial seal, and created an electric record and timestamp to establish an audit trail and testing record for full assurance and health and safety risk compliance.
Face Fit Testing And HSE Compliance
According to official HSE guidance: “A fit test should be carried out as part of the initial selection of the RPE (Respiratory Protective Equipment). A fit test should be repeated whenever there is a change to the RPE type, size, model, or material or whenever there is a change to the circumstances of the wearer that could alter the fit of the RPE.” Further industry guidance states that fit tests should be repeated every 2 years or sooner if deemed necessary by risk assessment.
Regular face fit testing is, therefore, an official part of legal compliance for organisations that use RPE.
Next Steps
Take a look at our AccuFIT fit test device page to find out more about the AccuFIT range of test devices and how they can benefit your business. To request a quote or to discuss your organisational needs with one of our experienced team, please call 01743 761000 today or click here to get in touch.

Image Source: Fire Safe International